Episode 25: Your Sexuality Questions Answered!

It’s the 25th episode of my podcast, The Sexually Liberated Woman! And in honor of this momentous occasion, I thought it would be fun to go through my mailbag and answer some of your burning sex questions with the help of my friend, Amory Jane.

The questions that we got are not what you’d expect from a typical advice column (and neither are our answers).

Some of the questions we answered:

  • How can I resist the temptation to have condomless sex when it feels so good?

  • I’ve never successfully masturbated. What am I doing wrong?

  • Antidepressants completely took away my sex drive. How can I get it back?

  • Any tips on how to navigate college and dating as a virgin?

  • Where can I find diverse porn?

  • My partner doesn’t go down on me the way that I like. How can I say something without hurting their feelings?

We also talked about why women should be more arrogant and not so humble, how you should maybe take your husband to a sex club with you, and the occasional importance of using porn as a way to teach you about your own body.

“I strongly believe that we should explore and know our own bodies well before we give other people access to them. It’s going to make our lives much pleasurable and it’s going to make consent much easier when we feel empowered in our bodies.”

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.)

Click here for a transcription of this episode.

Some things mentioned in this episode:

About AJ: Amory Jane is a sex educator and entertainer and host of the podcast Sex on the Brain with Amory Jane. She is also the Education Coordinator at She Bop in Portland, Oregon and producer/host of Whoopee! A Sex-Positive Variety Show. Amory Jane’s biggest passion is consent-based, pleasure-positive sex education, and she is best known for her open and humorous teaching style


High Hopes, Low Desire


Episode 24: My Very First Time