Episode 5: How to Have a Better Sex With Your Partner With Polarity

Ev'Yan Whitney and her husband, @JonathanMead, demystify masculine and feminine polarity and discuss how your relationship and sex life can change when you pay more attention to these inner energies. Also: Jonathan gave Ev'Yan a mini-orgasm, which was captured on this recording. :)

They both creatively define the terms of feminine and masculine energies. Jon gives great insight on how masculine function and what they want and their relationship to the feminine. His understanding even excites Ev'Yan and shows firsthand of energies balance each other. Other things discussed: the power of femininity, how to ask masculine people to step up, and advice for new couples.

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What we talked about

> In depth definitions and understanding of masculine and femininity energies beyond gender and sexuality

> The wants, needs and how each of these energies show up in life and the point of polarity is to find wholeness together

> How masculine people and their energies can grow and develop to match the complexity and insight of the feminine

> The excitement and connection that occurs when masculine and feminine energies are conveyed


Episode 6: A Quickie: The Time I Had An Orgasm in Front of 150 People


Episode 4: My Sexless Marriage